12 Reasons You Don’t Have Peace at Your Table

While not an exhaustive list, episode #24 focuses on the reasons you don’t have peace at your table.

don't have peace

If you don’t have peace at your table…

There is hope! Part of the solution is acknowledging the culprits. In Episode #24 of The UN-Perfect Podcast, I interview registered dietician/blogger Jane Curry Weber, who gives us valuable insights into what is robbing us of rest surrounding meal times. Listen in to hear her discuss the first eight culprits in detail…

Reasons You Don’t Have Peace at Your Table

1. Rush. Time is non-existent at mealtimes. We barely sit in the first place. 

2. Table? What table?

3. Body Shame is given a seat and it affects my every bite.

4. Medical reasons – food restrictions or having to eat more than we want to, steals some of the rest when eating. 

5. Eating scars – bad food memories or messages are on replay when I face my plateful.

6. Cost – I feel pressured to eat well on a small budget. 

7. Food is wrapped up in emotions and eaten to comfort or is the company that doesn’t disappoint. 

8. Dieting lens – I don’t see nourishment; I see calories/carbs/fat I need to limit. 

During the episode, Jane offers valuable strategies and suggestions, such as…

  • Start with the table, making it available and ready. And if that’s not an option and your family needs to sit around the living room, make it an intentional time with the TV off, etc.
  • To begin keeping body shame AWAY from the table, tilt your head. Instead of looking side to side (at others) or down (at your phone or in shame), look up to the one in whom we find our identity.
  • Whole foods and healthier food choices end up being more cost-effective in the long run because they keep us fuller longer.
  • Instead of seeing things like calories or carbs when you view your meals, start looking for the positive aspects – the good nutrients.
  • During “emotional eating,” we should realize what we’re actually craving. Often, instead of food, we are craving rest and peace. What is really going to fix that? * For more strategies on tweaking your cravings, check out Jane’s helpful posts, “How Food Cravings Overwhelm & 5ish Strategies to Conquer Them” and “2 Easy Tweaks to Create Balanced Eating (and Tone Down Cravings)”

For Jane’s blog post on this topic, entitled “12 Reasons We Don’t Have Peace At Our Table“, visit her blog and community on substack, The Contented Table.

If this podcast episode resonated with you in one way or another, Jane has a free download JUST FOR YOU to help get you started! Click the link below to grab your free copy of “7 Steps To Bring Peace To Your Table.”

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