7 Ways to Love Difficult People: Loving Like Jesus
Let’s be real—it is often hard to love difficult people. In this episode, we explore the complexities of loving like Jesus, especially those we disagree with most.

7 Ways to Love Difficult People: Loving Like Jesus
We need supernatural power and perspective to love difficult people in many situations. Some show up during election season, the annual HOA meeting, at work, church, or even in our own homes. This week, in Episode #68 of the UnPerfect Podcast, we look at how Jesus loved others well.
In this episode on loving like Jesus, we discuss:
- Following Jesus’ model of praying before speaking
- Studying Jesus’ method of hospitality
- Understanding the impact our emotions have on our engagement with others
- Untangling lesser passions from our gospel mission
- Pinpointing our true enemy
- Practicing empathic listening as an act of love
- Pursuing truth as we engage with others
Grab this week’s free printable download, 7 Ways to Love Love Like Jesus HERE.
Related episodes mentioned in this one:
Other items mentioned in episode #68:
Christians In the Age of Outrage: How to Bring Our Best When the World Is At Its Worst, by Ed Stetzer
Dan and Me: My Coming Out as a Friend of Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A, by Shane Windmeyer, HuffPost, 2017.

Embracing UnPerfect
A 7-Day Dive to living fully the life you were dealt
We live in two realities –
1 John 3:2 refers to them as the “now” and the “not-yet.” Daily reminders of the brokenness of a fallen world coupled with our hope in a future where every hurt is healed. That creates tension.
But I believe the abundant life God promises us in John 10:10 was meant to be lived in both realities.