Actually Finding Balance Among the Surprise and Stress of Christmas
In episode #22 of the UN-Perfect Podcast, we talk about finding balance between the surprise and stress of Christmas! Listen in…

In this episode, we discuss…
Finding Balance in some fun traditions…
- the tradition of taking a day off to do all Christmas shopping on my birthday
- the Christmas wrapping tradition with each child having a different patterned wrapping paper
- A funny prank with a gift box that appeared to be an Earwax Candle Kit (if you’re brave enough, you can purchase it here…)
Finding Balance between the Surprises and Stress of Christmas… and life in general…
- Mary’s experience of balancing wonder and pain in her role as the mother of Jesus
- Emphasizing the tension between faith and affliction in the present earthly life compared to the hope of a new heaven and earth
- 1 John 3:2 and 2 Peter 1:3 highlight the assurance of possessing everything needed for a godly life while acknowledging the reality of trials and grief
- 1 Peter 1:3-9 further illustrates the tension and the resulting genuineness of faith
Tips for finding balance during the holidays and in life…
- Embrace simplicity and reduce commitments for more peace and purposeful relationships. LESS IS MORE.
- Prioritize rest – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
- Cultivate practices to intentionally seek and not miss Jesus in the midst of busyness.
- Let go of expectations and be open to how God chooses to show up in our lives.
Thank you for joining us for Episode #22 of The UN-Perfect Podcast. As we navigate the dance of stress and surprise during the Christmas season and in our walk with Jesus, may we find balance, peace, and joy in the midst of it all. Remember, the baby in the manger is the King of Kings, and what we now see is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. Stay tuned for more episodes as we explore faith, life, and finding moments of wonder amidst the un-perfect moments. And check out the following blog posts on similar topics:

Grab the new freebie mentioned in today’s podcast!
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Need a creative jumpstart to another day or evening indoors during the cold winter months? Download these free printable ideas for some home or on-the-go indoor activities!