faith | Spiritual Growth New Ideas for Bible Reading the Bible From Familiar to Fascinating Blame it on my creative nature or my love for spontaneity, but whatever the reason, it’s… Share this:ShareTwitterFacebookPrintEmailPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
faith | Spiritual Growth Responding to Trials in Faith Embracing Your “Stage” All four of my kids loved wearing costumes. Starting as preschoolers, they were often dressed as characters… Share this:ShareTwitterFacebookPrintEmailPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
faith | prayer | Spiritual Growth Are We Asking God for Enough? When We “Settle” In Prayer Our son Josiah was a preemie and took all the wrong medical turns during his… Share this:ShareTwitterFacebookPrintEmailPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
Uncategorized Seven Essentials for Moms with Adopted, Foster, and Special Needs Kids Some days it’s like dog-paddling in choppy, uncharted waters of a vast ocean. Many things aren’t as we expect. Everything… Share this:ShareTwitterFacebookPrintEmailPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
faith | mom life | parenting How to Relate to Adult Children We can all use more wisdom on how to relate to adult children. This book by Jim Burns is rich in parenting advice for this stage of life. Share this:ShareTwitterFacebookPrintEmailPinterestLike this:Like Loading...