Find Healing in Grieving What Never Was

Until a year ago, I never knew there was healing to be found in grieving what never was.

In this episode, I take you on my journey down the path of some deep disappointments I’ve experienced, introduce you to some characters in Scripture who share in this type of grief and loss, and offer some ideas for grieving what never was in your own life.

Biblical characters mentioned in this episode who experienced the death of dreams and deep despair:

Jeremiah 20:14

Jonah 4:3

Job 10:1-2

2 Corinthians 1:8-10

Psalm 13

Scriptures mentioned about our hope:

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Hebrews 11:1

Folks much wiser than me who I quote or paraphrase in this episode:

Kate Bowler’s podcast with Don Rosenstein:

Devotion on Identity by Paul David Tripp:

Article on Nonfinite Grief:

Article on Dialectical Thinking:

Want to read more on this topic? Check out the following blog posts!

When to Quote Romans 8:28 and When to Let Yourself Lament

Grieving What Never Was

grieving what never was