1. Oh Shelly, I can relate to so much of this! I DESPERATELY wanted to homeschool both of my boys. It went beautifully with my oldest (just tell me what needs to be accomplished and for goodness sake I’ll check that list twice) son. He was self-motivated and it was easy for him (which in turn made it easy for me). Then, my second (I was born in a country with a much slower pace and I’m pretty sure the very blood in my body flows slower) son was entering school age and it WAS NOT working. But I SO wanted it to work! Long story short – I finally listened to the Lord and sent that sweet boy to school (literally crying so hard when I left that first day that I literally couldn’t attend the “Boo Hoo Breakfast”). Said son had the MOST amazing teacher and has THRIVED for his first two years of public education (which was MY education too). Keep writing!

    1. So rewarding when we do things God’s way! And so glad he’s thriving! Thanks for sharing!

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