How to Fight For A Thriving Marriage
In Episode #67 of UnPerfect, we continue the honest discussion on marriage between two couples who have known each other for over 25 years. We have seen God show up in some very difficult seasons as we have fought for a thriving marriage.

Episode #67: Fighting for a Thriving Marriage with your host, Shelly Snead, and special guests, Art Snead, James and Susan Andrews
If you missed the first half of our conversation, you can listen to it here. We shared our stories and talked about what made us stick it out, and three keys to navigating marriage challenges well: selflessness, commitment, and growth.
This week we take a deeper look at what makes a thriving marriage:
- How varying approaches to conflict resolution can impact your relationship
- The significance of addressing issues before they escalate
- Why taking time to process emotions can lead to healthier discussions
- The power of prayer in promoting growth in both you and your spouse
- How creativity and intentional dates help to maintain intimacy and fun in your marriage
- Why Biblical Community – surrounding yourself with other Christ-centered couples – is a necessity for enhancing your marriage and providing encouragement during tough times
“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” Ephesians 4:2
Find more on this topic below:

Embracing UnPerfect
A 7-Day Dive to living fully the life you were dealt
We live in two realities –
1 John 3:2 refers to them as the “now” and the “not-yet.” Daily reminders of the brokenness of a fallen world coupled with our hope in a future where every hurt is healed. That creates tension.
But I believe the abundant life God promises us in John 10:10 was meant to be lived in both realities.