It Pays To Be Thankful
Thankfulness. God calls us to it when things are great, and when things are not great and we are tempted to worry. (Philippians 4:6-7) And the benefits of practicing gratitude are far more than spiritual. A blog published last year by Harvard Medical School noted:
“In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.”
(“Giving Thanks Can Make You Happier”, Harvard Health Publishing, August 14, 2021)
I could use more of each of these benefits. I would like to be more grateful throughout the year, and this season provides reminders to count my blessings and meditate on all that brings me joy, peace, purpose, and contentment. I believe thankfulness is an attitude birthed by a practice – the practice of consciously considering the goodness in our lives. So today I’m practicing thankfulness and encouraging you to do the same!
🥧 I’m thankful for fleece leggings and oversized sweatshirts when the temperature drops.
🦃 I’m thankful for a puppy who is always happy to see me and never complains about the meals I provide.
🌽 I’m thankful for sunshine that pulls me out of dark moods.
🥧 I’m thankful for truth that defeats lies in which the enemy wants to enslave me.
🦃 I’m thankful for coffee, oat milk, and a splash of flavored creamer that makes me smile each morning.
🌽 I’m thankful for Amazon Prime, George Lucas, and Publix Neapolitan ice cream.
🥧 I’m thankful for mercy and grace, for without either, I would forever stand condemned.
🦃 I’m thankful to be typing uninterrupted in this moment – for the passing of seasons when this was an impossible dream.
🌽 I’m thankful for a family that tests my patience, driving me to walk in the Spirit.
🥧 I’m thankful for technology that helped provide two beautiful biological children after a season of infertility, and two beautiful adopted children from Rwanda.
🦃 I’m thankful for fires in the fireplace, good books, and cozy blankets.
🌽 I’m thankful for fine sand, blue oceans, and a cool breeze while enjoying them.
🥧 I’m thankful for buttered popcorn, Marvel movies, and a row of friends and family while eating and watching.
🦃 I’m thankful for seasons that allow change, growth, and pruning of things no longer giving life.
🌽 I’m thankful for a husband who makes me laugh harder and children who make me love deeper.
🥧 I’m thankful for the predictability of Hallmark movies and the surprises of Christmas morning.
🦃 I’m thankful this world is not my home, and this life is but a speck on the horizon of eternity.
🌽 I’m thankful for Jesus. And Dr. Pepper. And comfort during trials. And redemption after loss.
What are you thankful for today?…