Letting Go of the Pressure to be Great by Discerning My Purpose

God doesn’t call us to be “great”, but to follow Him. I find freedom in letting go of the pressure to be great by discerning my purpose.

Letting Go of the Pressure to be Great by Discerning My Purpose

“Great” regarding how you’re doing as a woman, a mom, or a person doesn’t always have measurable variables and data that can be seen on the surface – it’s not a universal formula. I believe a better goal than being great is being who God has called you to be, which looks different for everyone. 

In this episode, we’ll look at some thieves that rob us of our ability to discern our God-given purpose and strategies that enable us to carry them out while letting go of the pressure to be great.

God delights in worship over works (Psalm 69:29-32).  He looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7) rather than the outward appearance. Our motives matter. AND THEY MUST align with OUR God-given MISSION. And many of us haven’t taken the time and prayer to discern our mission or God-given priorities because we’re too busy running off of the steam of our (wrong) motives.

In this episode I offer you some strategies and truths to help you take your foot off the gas pedal of the wrong vehicle. I’m not proposing you be less productive. I’m proposing that perhaps, productivity happens from a place of stillness and not a place of constant motion.

  1. Establish your missional priorities.  What are the things God has clearly put on your plate in this season of your life? It may be family responsibilities, a job, a ministry or a mixture of all of them.
  2. Don’t answer until you’ve asked.  When you’re faced with a new opportunity, whether it’s to teach a class at church, cook for an event, take a part-time or full-time job, or be on a committee, WHATEVER it is, don’t give an answer until you have spent time on your knees asking. Asking God if this is a direction He wants you to move in.
  3. Leave space for surprises. If you can’t see any white space on your calendar, there’s a problem. (If you don’t keep a calendar at all, you should probably start there – that was the root of man y of my issues for a long time).

LIsten to the full episode for more details (and the story of the crazy day that brought me face-to-face with some of these “aha” moments).

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