1. This is amazing, Shelly! I never dreamed that little story would have an impact. You’re making me cry. I’m so in awe of how God works.

    The books are on their way to you. (BTW-you don’t have to enter me in the giveaway just because I commented. 😉)

    1. I really needed to read/hear this. I continually ask God to open my eyes and heart to see Him or how I can turn something ugly into something better.

      1. So glad it encouraged you – I am inconstant need of this reminder myself!!!

    1. Yes! He proves throughout scripture that he doesn’t waste our sorrows – praying for you this morning!

  2. Recently my sister was told she needed to begin using a walker. This was horrible news for her. instead of grumbling, she got a red walker, stopped by Hobby Lobby and got silk flowers, and covered her walker with them. She sees this as an opportunity to bring glory to God!

  3. You have no idea the blessing this post brings me. We recently installed cameras in our home for a similar reason. Thanks for the idea on making beauty from ashes!

    1. Wow! And here I was wondering if people would even think we were crazy for the whole camera thing, and miss the message! God is so good! I’m betting we could swap some stories, tears and laughter! Hang in there! Praying for your crew today!

  4. I too am a Joanna fan! Interesting that no matter the situation, we can choose see things in a positive light or negative. ie. An old home with termite ridden walls or a blank canvas ready for the artist to create something new and amazing. I’ve been through quite an adventure this year leading the PTA of my daughter’s school. My goodness have I had some learning to do. Instead of relying on the undependable, I chose many times to do it myself eliminating disappointment. Realizing that throughout not only my challenges to let go of doing it all for everyone, but realizing that I can’t control others, I’ve learned that the Lord sometimes chooses others,like me, to be the vessel in which to help others grow in their faith and to be a testament to His amazingness. Giving it to Him and choosing the see the glory in it is what it’s all about. Love reading your stories ♡ Thank you for the laughs and inspiration

    1. Great insight Erin! I’ve had to let a lot of things go over the last few years which has been really hard! (I’m a “doer”!). Like you said, trusting him to bring glory out of everything and everything! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thank you for sharing so I can know how to pray for you and your dear family! I think of you often and thank God for allow our paths to cross over the years

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