1. It was a beautiful wedding, nonetheless! Even copycatted your reception for my sister’s reception! Marriage is hard but oh so beautiful when Jesus is in the center.

    1. So true! Hey, remember that wedding rehearsal that got held up by the bride’s roommate who was reading a novel on the couch and just forgot to show up?…😂

  2. Great writing Shelly and very very wise. I appreciate your willingness to share the good the bad the ugly and the downright crazy. We all have it, just not everyone is willing to let it be seen.

  3. Your mom and dad helped shape a vision of godly marriage and they were/are the best youth pastors EVER. I am forever grateful for your family and appreciate and agree with all you wrote. I have told many young couples that marriage is the hardest thing you will ever do but the rewards are priceless when the Lord is the head.

  4. Your mom and dad helped shape a vision of godly marriage and they were/are the best youth pastors EVER. I am forever grateful for your family and appreciate and agree with all you wrote. I have told many young couples that marriage is the hardest thing you will ever do but the rewards are priceless when the Lord is the head.

    1. Aw! So great to hear others brag on my parents. They were a pretty awesome role model for me and my brothers:)

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