The Process of Forgiveness: God’s Take on Mercy, Justice, and Trust

the process of forgiveness

“Forgive and forget” is humanly impossible. But there is a process of forgiveness and a Biblical lens through which to view mercy, justice, and trust. Today’s guest gives us a new paradigm of “Forget and Remember…”

Episode #92 The Process of Forgiveness

In this compelling episode, I welcome back Theresa Whiting for part two of our discussion on forgiveness. (If you missed part one, head back to Episode #92). Theresa has dedicated her life to guiding women toward the redemptive work of Jesus. Today, she dives deep into the concept of true forgiveness. She explores the process of forgiveness and clears up misconceptions involving mercy, justice, and trust.

In this episode, we discuss the following concepts surrounding the process of forgiveness:

  • Preparing to forgive
  • Speaking with God about the hurt
  • Understanding mercy and justice in forgiveness
  • The difference between forgiveness and trust
  • The consequences of unforgiveness

“We are never commanded in scripture to ‘trust’.”

“Choosing unforgiveness is sin.”

“Forgiveness is not excusing another’s sin. There may need to be a separation or reporting.”

Bible Verses or Passages mentioned in this UnPerfect Podcast Episode:

I pray you found encouragement in this deeply insightful series. We explored what forgiveness is and what it is not. We’ve discussed the profound and often challenging journey of forgiveness. Teresa shared part of a five-step guide to processing forgiveness, emphasizing that while there is no magic formula, the process is essential for emotional and spiritual well-being. Through personal stories, Biblical wisdom, and practical steps, this conversation sheds light on how to truly release past hurts and embrace healing.

Connect with Teresa here! Grab her free resource and her book below:

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