1. For good or for bad….you sounded just like your mother…and you ARE “nailing it”, day by day. Look at the results – only by God’s strength, wisdom and mercy. Love you – Mom

  2. I like that perspective. I am a to-do lister. I feel accomplished at the end of the day when I cross something off. But feel bummed and disappointed when I don’t. But you’re right. Being with our kids and looking at those “wins” are more important that the to-do list stuff (although dinner is a pretty close second 😉)

    1. <3! I have started cooking dinner in the morning, or it just doesn't happen...peacefully, anyway:)

  3. Absolutely love the nailed-it idea! I’m a list maker too, about e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. lol Loving your blog ♡ You are the light-hearted humor and reality everyone could use to brighten their days.

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