1. Silly -Unperfect at folding fitted sheets, serious- unperfect at so many aspects of parenting (consistency and follow through)

    1. Wait – people actually fold fitted sheets instead of wadding them up and stuffing them in the closet?!?! I’m with you on the parenting thing! I used to think my kids would turn out “great and godly” BECAUSE of me, but now I’m pretty sure if it happens, it will be IN SPITE of me:) So glad you stopped by the blog!

  2. Motherhood has reminded me how “unperfect” I am – it’s a daily act of humility as I strive to show my kids Christ in all I do. On a personal note, I know just how “unperfect” I am by the number of times I send emails without attachments. 🙂

    1. Ditto on the emails without attachments! And in the unperfect parenting. The church asked Art and I to teach a parenting class once – we decided we’d better wait and see if our parenting actually “worked”:) God’s grace alone!

  3. My husband sent me this! (He meant it in a very sweet way) He knows me too well and loves me for it! I’m glad I have a God who loves me even more! I can relate to this. I can’t even speak in complete sentences and often speak in my own created language. Thanks for this Shelly. I look forward to more of your encouragement.

  4. Unperfect is what I am. Pumpkins growing in my tomato bed that is actually my strawberry bed, but they all died :-/
    Shelly, you are wonderful, your sense of humor refreshing and full of life.
    Besides, I am known for filling my life with beautiful, quirky, unperfect friends, who bubble over with love. Hugs girl. This blog will be great.

    1. Lol! I gave up gardening the year I thought I’d give it a try with a potted tomato plant! Put it on the back porch and never remembered it again for 2 months!

  5. Un-perfect. What a great word and an accurate description of me. Unfortunately my memory is like that of Dory in the Finding Nemo and Dory movies. I’m always busy and onto the next thing in life – if I can remember what that is! I can’t recall any crazy moments of imperfection, but you can be sure that they are numerous! Thank you for sharing. I look forward to reading more.

    1. Dory! That’s a perfect description, and maybe a future blog-post! LOL! Thanks for stopping by!

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