What is The Only Thing That Matters?Unpacking Ecclesiastes
Today I am honored to chat with Michelle Myers of She Works His Way about the only thing that matters – according to the wisest, richest most powerful man who ever lived.

Welcome to Fridays With Friends, where I get to pick the brains of some amazing friends of the UnPerfect podcast!
Listen as Michelle unpacks Solomon’s teachings from the book of Ecclesiastes that challenge us to consider the only thing that really matters. We have a fun and deep discussion on:
- what truly satisfies us and what doesn’t
- why it’s imperative to heed Solomon’s wisdom
- why tone matters when reading Ecclesiastes
- what God says should be the “main thing” – and why
More about Michelle:
Michelle Myers is the founder of She Works His Way, a non-profit discipleship community for working women that exists to strengthen the churches (Acts 15:41) and stir one another up to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24) With the gospel as the foundation, Michelle helps puts practical steps to the ultimate goal of working for the glory of God and the good of others. Most recently, she co-authored a book with her best friend, Somer Phoebus, called She Works His Way: A Practical Guide for Doing What Matters Most in a Get Things Done World. She and her husband, James, live in Asheville, NC where James is the Central Discipleship Pastor at Biltmore Church, with their three children.
Want to read Michelle’s conversational commentary on Ecclesiastes or study it with a group? Order it here.
Read my review of her book, She Works His Way, here.
Want to hear more episodes like this one? Check out the following:
Episode #36 (While Waiting – Making the Most of Slower Moments)
Episode #23 (Getting UnStuck)
Episode #14 (Responding to the Unexpected: Derailed)